Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Day In The Life Of THIS Working Momma

Today I am going to write about working moms. Most "blogger" moms are STAHM (stay-at-home-moms) so we dont really get the view point of a working mother.... Let me tell you a little bit about MY days, A day in the life of a working mother.


I wake up at 6:00 every morning... Okay, thats a lie. I wake up after my alarm clock goes off for 20 minutes (give or take)... Begining at 5:45. (LAME!) I roll out of my big comfy king-sized bed well, its more like running on a trac & jumping hurdles since my darling children have decided they do NOT want to sleep in their own bed (even though thats where I put them when I fell asleep.. mind you, their bed is in my room). When I can finally feel my feet on the floor I get up & walk to bathroom to pee & brush my teeth. Then I sit in the bathroom & talk to J while he takes his morning shower/bath, all while wondering to myself "What are you doing dude? You gotta be out the door by 7! Its time to get your butt in gear!!!". Which is exactly what I do... I rush through the house trying my hardest to remember what I need to do to successfully leave the house on time... In 30 minutes or less.

ha! Never fails too, as soon as I hit the door all ready to go, I remember SOMETHING I have forgotten like,

"Oh crap! C-rad needs shoes, duh!"

"Did I grab the kids lunch?! They have to eat too, ya know!"

"Really? Did I seriously forget to grab the diapers?"

"OMG OMG OMG! I forgot the kid!!!" (dont worry- I hadnt even left yet) ;)

Lol. Dont judge me. Mornings are hard in the Burleson house!!! We are ALL cranky, irritable, tired people who do NOT want to be bothered in the mornings. This is why me & J get along so well :). We can fight & argue in the mornings but we both know, we are just some cranky @$$ people... Cant wait to grow old with him<3 ;)

Then work comes.... Its now 8am in the morning & I feel like I've already friggin ran a 50k mile! WTH?! Im only 22 years old, there is NO reason for me to be so tired all the time, right? Keep on reading...

As I sit at work I do all of the fun stuff like:

Write my blogs<3

Post on my Single Mommy Swag Facebook page (dont judge!)

& I have also now made a new Pro-Life Advocate page for myself!

So when Im not working, I have lots of cool things to do!

But that doesnt stop me from missing my child. Nope. Not at all.

In fact, if it wasnt for all of these social sites to keep my mind busy, I would probably sit here & be upset ALL day over not being with my kids!

Some people call me crazy because I WANT to be a STAHM but, what can I say? I absolutely ADORE my lil chitlins (shit-lins)... They drive me INSANE but, they are MINE!!!

Well, 6pm rolls around & my fingers are ALWAYS crossed that J is done for the day. (We both work at the same place, so Im here from 8am until he gets off work.) We drive home & finally... FIANLLY, the moment is here!!! I've been waiting ALL day long for this! After getting phone calls from C-rad telling me he peed in the potty (THANK GOD!!!!) & J-bug that she misses me SO much & can not WAIT until I am home... Well baby girl, I AM ON MY WAY!!! :)

& Im always SO trippin excited to pick them up, ask about their day, & hang out for a few minutes.... Then the night begins. Whoohew!

Its usually about 7-8pm when we are all finally home, together, enjoying our night as a family<3 But who can really enjoy their family time together when its already 8pm? Dinner gets cooked, baths get done, toys are played with, movies are watched, & the list goes on & on...

Now, in my house we do not go to bed until almost midnight. This includes my children. SOME people call me a TERRIBLE mother for this! Some people have told me "Your child is going to grow up HATING you for not giving them structure & a decent bed time"!!

Um, okay. So because I'd rather spend a few hours with MY kids, the ones I pushed out of MY vagina, instead of sending them STRAIGHT to bed at 9pm (which is an IMPOSSIBLE task since we dont get home till almost 8!!!)- they are going to HATE me? Lol. Cool. :) Thanks for the encouragement!!

By the time midnight rolls around we are all exhausted & pretty much just crash. Go to bed & wake up just to do it all over again tomorrow....

Thats the day In MY life as a working mother. Tuesday - Saturday.

Maybe I didnt point out "enough" things in this post to show how exhausting it can be to work AND be a mom but, I also have a VERY active father as my SO<3

If I get up to do dishes, he jumps up to vaccumm. We believe in co-parenting & EVERYTHING is 50/50. It works for US, very well.

My point in writing all of this is because since running the SMS (single mommy swag) page I have realized that its basically a WAR between STAHM & Working moms... Which is DUMB! What is the point in that?! We all have ONE thing in common; we are MOMS. Somehow, someway, God decided to make US mothers. He believed we were strong enough to do it.

So, stay at home moms- cut us a break... We work hard to provide for the things our kids need/want. Some of us work by choice & some of us work because its the only way to keep food in our kids mouth. SOME of us dont have a great support system & SOME of us have dead beat baby daddys. Sad.

Working Moms- Lay off on the Stay at home mothers, they work HARD. Just like we feel "our job is NEVER ending- we go to work & then come home to work" well, they never even leave the house to go to work... at least we get SOME kind of a break!

Till then- Bella

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Okay. So I was going to write this LONG drawn out blog about how I am RIGHT & my man is WRONG & all of the million reasons why I can prove that until I started writing & realized how wrong I am. Lol. Don't you just HATE when that happens to you?! Like, your in the MIDDLE of a argument & you can FEEL the heat on your face because you are THAT mad!!!! But then, out of freaking NOWHERE, you take a hard hit to the stomach & bitch slap across the face from nothing better except: REALITY!!!! Your wrong & the other person is right. You feel your body temperature lowering, your turning white out of sheer embarrassment, your sweating even more than you were now, pointing your finger, clapping your hands, (cause us girls are so dramatic that we HAVE to have SOME kind of involvement with our hands going) & your trying SO hard to be right. Going back n fourth in your head trying to find that ONE piece of info you need to spit from your mouth that you KNOW is gonna put you back at the place you are supposed to be, the "right" one in the argument. But you cant. So you admit defeat. Well, not really. We are females. We NEVER admit defeat. It doesn't matter if your the friggin president of the United States. If you are in an argument with a woman, you are WRONG. & if your right, you will NEVER hear those words come out of her mouth. Not during the argument anyway. She may come around later & apologize, kinda like I now have to do, but she will NOT, let me repeat that, she will NOT come around & tell you, "you were right & I was wrong" during the argument. & Don't expect it! Yes, we totally expect that from YOU but common'! Your the MAN in the relationship! Your the "strong" one. Shouldn't it be YOU to come to us & say YOU were wrong & WE were right?! That's only fair!!! Except its not! & this is where I find myself struggling lately!

I didn't mention why I was so upset with J today & why I felt like I was the RIGHT one... He called me postal. First thing when I woke up, the mother f'r told me I was postal! WTF?! & it wasn't until later that I realized.... J is right! I AM postal. How did I come to this conclusion? By freaking OBSESSING over it for an hour thinking "wtf? postal? I'm not postal! & if he THINKS I'm postal, hes got another thing comin. Ill show HIM postal!" (sound crazy?!) How would you react if the person you want to spend your life with called you postal? It hurts! Why does it hurt? Because its true. Because he is RIGHT. When someone points out a flaw in us, as humans, we get defensive & try to prove HOW that is wrong. But him calling me postal & me obsessing over it & getting THAT upset shows just how RIGHT he is and how WRONG I am. Defeat. God, this sucks. I'm going to have to actually apologize to him & let him know that he was right. But I think that's what you do when you love someone. I think love is all about putting aside your differences or your OWN flaws & just loving that other person. Literally, loving them. Not wanting to hurt them. That's love. & that is the kind of love I want to give to J.

I keep EXPECTING him to do all of these magical wonderful things for me like I'm some God & do nothing for him in return. Well, not nothing. I do the "wife" thing. I cook & clean & do his laundry n all that good. But am I REALLY succeeding in being a GOOD, HAPPY, LOVING, girlfriend? Would I WANT to marry me? As of today, the answer to that is No. Sad, right? That I can actually ADMIT that if I were J, I wld have packed up and left a longgg time ago. Well, my friends, I am on a mission to FIX that. I WANT to be everything J needs & desires in a woman. I want to be a GOOD, POSITIVE person in his life. I WANT to make him happy. Because ANY man that can put up with MY postal craziness & NOT pack his stuff to leave... Well, hes a keeper in my book. I've given him a MILLION reasons to go. Now do NOT take this the wrong way. Okay? J has flaws too! He is NOT perfect. In fact It's taken me 5 YEARS to get him to settle down with me. I've (or felt like) slayed dragons (sluts, whatever you wanna call em) for him! Jumped thru fiery hoops like a lion at a circus! I ran to the finish line. I got there first. I WON his love! Now, I need to remember its his free will to be with me. Just because we have a baby does NOT bind us together. Marriage doesn't. Nothing will keep a relationship together if your miserable. Whether you are the one causing the misery or the one being treated badly, its time to make a change. Its time to go outside of your comfort zone, and stay there. Especially if its for the person you love. You only get ONE shot at life & if your lucky, like me, & find your love young.... then grasp it. Not too tight, don't strangle the poor guy. But hold on to that flame. Don't let it die out. Keep doing what it took to WIN your man over. Don't stop just because you have won! Then you lose all the fun, mystery, romance, "chemistry", and all that stuff that comes along with love. & what is the point in being in a relationship with somebody if you are NOT happy?! This is the realization I am wanting to prevent J from getting too. So starting today, I am determined to BE better. Happier. More loving. More caring. More affectionate. & If you find yourself in the place that I have been today, just take a second and breathe. No, seriously. Take a deep breath. Let it out. And while doing that keep telling yourself, "in with the good, out with the bad." That basically FORCES your mind to think POSITIVE, happy thoughts rather than destructive, negative ones! Wish me luck on this journey. I'm gonna need it... & quite possibly some duck tape to keep my mouth shut cause if I try & bite my tongue.. well, the thing just might get bitten off!

XOXO- Bella

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Welcome! :)

Hey everybody! My name is Bella. I am a LOT of things in life but the one thing I am most proud to call myself is A Mom. I wanted to create a blog here to give myself (& readers) a few laughs to get us through every day life of being a Mom because LETS FACE IT, if we don't throw a little humor into it then we are just gonna end up like this
& Who wants to be like that?! (& no offense if this is your Grandmother, Mother, or you. I just googled "angry grandmas" & this is what I came up with! ;) ) So anyway... Onto the humor since that's what this is about, right?

Let me give you a little background info first. Since this is my very FIRST post I am going to introduce you to the MOST important people in my life & the reason why I made this blog in the first place! ;)

My beautiful babies. (C-rad & J-Bug) Really. Is it just me? Or does EVERY mom out there not take a few seconds & just take it in... the beauty, the youth, the essence. Ah. My mind thinks of "peace" when I see this photo. & you might too. But don't let those sweet smiles & precious eyes fool you! These two are a HAND FULL!

For Example: Meet C-Rad

We are in the PROCESS, yes I said process, of potty training. UGH! Those words are like nails on a chalk board to me! Such a difficult task. So we went to the store & let Mr. C-rad pick out his new "big boy undies" (as he calls them) & he picked Cars. Ya know, the Disney movie? With Mater & Lightning McQueen. Then we take him & let him pick out a few candies that he will receive as a reward if he goes pee pee in the big boy potty. So after our successful shopping trip we got home & put C-rads new underwear on & all is good. Until I start cooking dinner. & really this incident is just funny... its not even bad, at all. But check out how I found C-rad after leaving him alone for .2 minutes to check out his new undies....

Yea. It was pretty awesome! At least he didn't poop or pee & THEN proceed to put them on his head! Count your blessings, right? I'd upload a video I took the other day but I'll just tell ya instead! I was in the middle of cleaning house & like I said before we are in the PROCESS of potty training. Well, C-rad (like most other boys, or so I hear) has recently discovered that he has a pee-pee.. (penis) & he can not only pull it out of his pants but he can also aim & shoot stuff with it! Yep. His little mind has found a fascination in this. So as I'm cleaning I walk past my bedroom door & see C-rad with his pants halfway down, diaper halfway on, holding his pee-pee, & peeing while laughing with this insane belly laugh that I'd never heard before. He thought it was THE funniest thing, EVER!!! I, on the other hand, did not. I went on to record my son AFTER I'd caught him & I asked "C-rad did you just pee on the floor?!" C-rad: "No" Me: "I just saw you pee on the floor, why are you lying to me?" C-rad: "I don't know mommy" with his arms up in confusion! Oh how I love that sweet boy! Even if I do have to clean up his pee & poop -_- Life is an adventure with this child. He is a boy. There is NO other way in the world to describe him. BUT he is a MOMMAS boy & lemme just tell you right now.... There is NO greater bond in LIFE than that of a mother & her son. Well except maybe that of a mother & daughter ;)

That's my daughter & I. We are pretty much best friends. Yup. I mean, I totally draw that invisible line I hear so many parents talk about... She knows where friend ends & mother begins. But this little beauty right here, she saved me when I was just 16 years old. All alone. No care in the world. Without my J-Bug, I'm not sure who I'd be today. She changed me. For the better. There is not a day that goes by that I do NOT let God know just how thankful I am for this piece of heaven I get all to myself! She is FULL of attitude (can ya tell?!) & soooo funny. I like to think she gets that from me tho ;).
Anyway, I know this is supposed to be a funny blog & I have really turned it into an "about me" type thing but, stick around! There will be a LOT more blogs to come!